Thursday, November 22, 2007

Gobble Gobble...

It's Thanksgiving and I am sitting at the cops desk at the newspaper. But don't cry for me Argentina. I basically volunteered but it is all part of my rebellion against the institution of Thanksgiving. My problem with the holiday however, is not that it marks the beginning of a near genocide of America's indigenous. It's what actually takes place on that day that bugs...a meal of gargantuine proportions with food that is suppose to be "so good," and then an afternoon of football, for the men, while the women clean up. Well first of all Thanksgiving food leaves a lot to be desired. Consider this: if turkey, yams, canned cranberries, and stuffing is soooo good why don't people eat it all year-round. Why don't they have restaurants that serve all-things Thanksgiving? It's because the food is not that good but because it is "Thanksgiving food" it gets the obligatory oooohhs and aaaahhs. And I don't like anything that's obligatory. And pie? Who eats pie? I mean really, aside from Thanksgiving day when do you crave a healthy piece of spiced pumpkin. Really. Moreover, football games dominate a sizable portion of the day and football already has a designated day...its called the Superbowl. And I am fairly certain the pilgrims weren't running plays on the gridiron with the Native Americans. So really there is nothing about the day that really celebrates the actual Thanksgiving and when you think about it, we are celebrating the Native Americans helping and teaching the settlers to survive and grow food...celebrating the friendship and unity between the natives and the whites......and then they slaughtered them....but hey "thanks for bringing the corn!"


amelia said...

HAHA...SO AGREED! Except that bit about pie, I could always do pie. Pumpkin, however, only on Thanksgiving.

Ted and Amanda said...

I love you!