Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It's been forever. I get it. I fell off the proverbial blog wagon and I am petitioning the blog gods for a pardon. I think it will be granted and they will be a bit more forgiving than my friend Dave who nudged me in the direction of return with this scathing email rebuke.

"This is ridiculous. You have not posted on your blog in nearly two months. Two months! If I tried pulling that, you would be pulling the "broom of pride" out and beating me senseless with it. To make matters worse, you have not been on SKYPE in weeks. You don't write. You don't email. And you sure as hell don't call. When I do call you pass off the phone to someone else. So what am I to do? Well, I will tell you what I did today. I did the rowing machine at the gym for thirty to forty minutes. Tomorrow and into the foreseeable future, I don't plan on shaving. So the next logical step is pretty obvious: find Spokane's version of Martha Shaw."
*Note: If you haven't seen The Notebook, you may not get the references....But then again, if you haven't seen The Notebook you probably don't have a soul.

So thanks for taking me back blog world, lets not be on a break again...


amelia said...

FINALLY! And lets not.

Anonymous said...
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Elle and Clint Stallings said...

LOL so hard. i loved.. if you haven't watched the notebook you dont have a soul

Amanda May said...

THANK YOU DAVE!!!! night...I haven't seen the notebook, but always hear good things...

doug said...

Thanks for being my friend, even though I have no soul.