Thursday, October 30, 2008

And the winner is.......

Sure this may or may not have been child abuse, but by darn, my proud mama won first place in the ward Halloween costume contest that year. During that Halloween night in '85, aside from inflicting the kind of trauma that probably won't surface until years down the road, my mother taught us all a very valuable lesson. If chubby brown girls can pull off Raggedy Ann and take the cake, then isn't anything possible? Happy Halloween!

PS - For those who know my family, see? There was a time when Trevor was sweet.
PPS - No, those are not wigs...that is our real hair spray painted


doug said...

I REALLY want to be friends with Little Girl Tiff! So cute!!!!

WendyL said...

Why isn't this picture in "the book!?" It's great. I love it...and you probably could've won this year's contest with that costume too.

Joe said...

Halloween '85? I loved Halloween '85. It was another of the most magical nights of the year. I believe that as you played the part of Raggedy Ann, and played it ever so well, I was huffing and puffing through the plastic mask of a He-Man costume while trick-or-treating. Good times.

Ted and Amanda said...

I'm glad you advised that your hair isn't a wig in that pic...I never would have guessed...but you are a WINNER!

amelia said...

...and I have found my new computer background!