Monday, March 1, 2010

When a door closes.......

Oh Dan. Well I finally finished The Lost Symbol. It was ummm...good. It kept me reading, had some intense moments, introduced some provocative schools of thought and in my opinion was a better read than Angels and Demons. It just seemed really familiar....... Lets see.....Crazy 24-hour adventure running around to all these places in a city rich with historical context? Check. An ambiguous attraction/relationship with a pretty dark-haired woman scientist/historical genius with whom he has a connection with her father/brother? Check. Fringe characters being offed ridiculously easy but main characters laughably surviving situations with staggering odds of survival? Check. A Shakespeare-comedy-esque ending where EVERY possible loose end is tied up and everyone is happy and content, even after losing your hand and watching your evil and vengeful superhuman son die? Check. Leaving provocative and potentially controversial religious and scientific assertions hanging in the air most likely to provoke discussion, debate and sell copies? Check. Well Dan, you sucked me in thrice now. And don't get me wrong...I thoroughly enjoyed Da Vinci Code, the first book of yours I read. But if it's all the same to you, and I am sure it is given the millions you have made from movies and practically living on the Best Seller lists, I am going to go ahead and call it quits with your books. I mean its not them it's me. I am just looking for something new that I haven't already experienced..... Not once, not twice, but three times. I'm sure you understand.


Elle and Clint Stallings said...

I was wondering about his new one. Thanks for the review. Me like it. I'm reading Lovely Bones so far very interesting. Hey if you want to eat some cookies you need to come over..

Tracy said...

So what are you tackling next?