Thursday, January 6, 2011

It was a good day

This actually happened a few weeks ago. I would have shared earlier, but when I was having brunch with Courtney and Jen a while ago, and I told them of my discovery, it was met with Courtney staring at me blankly saying "Is this really happening? Did you just really show us this?" Well whatever, she was just CLEARLY jealous that she did not find the BIGGEST CLAM EVER in a bowl of Zupas Clam Chowder. I am no longer allowed to eat it per my new agreement/contract with my body that it won't continue to layer adipose tissue on my thighs if I give up chowder and just about everything I love. It drives a hard bargain, always has. Nonetheless I challenge you to find a bigger piece of clam in a chowder found in Salt Lake. You find the clam and I'll give you 20 clams. Haha I kill me.

1 comment:

Elle and Clint Stallings said...

hahahahaha that was hilarious!!! thanks for sharing, and obviously Courtney was jealous of your clam